Privacy Policy

Kiwanis is committed to the safety and well being of all children and adults with whom its members and volunteers come into contact. When acting in their capacity as Kiwanians, members must obey the law and treat others with due respect and must not permit any situation to exist which endangers or disadvantages any person particularly “at risk” persons such as children, the aged, infirm or disabled. Kiwanis also supports the rights and well being of its members and volunteers and encourages their active participation in building and maintaining a secure environment for all participants in its projects and activities.

Effective risk management procedures and strategies must be maintained. These should include, among other things, appropriate procedures for the recruitment and screening of members, the evaluation of risk involved in any proposed activity, program or project, and for the planning and execution of such activities, programs or projects.

Kiwanis acknowledges, supports, encourages and holds sacred the rights of the child and will act without hesitation to ensure that a “child safe” environment is maintained at all times.

In all aspects of Kiwanis operations all reasonable steps should be taken to ensure that the rights of children, particularly the right to be safe from abuse, are protected and observed to the maximum extent possible.

There must also be a Code of Conduct governing the conduct of members and volunteers in their dealings with children and strict adherence to that Code.

We acknowledge that, despite the utmost vigilance, instances of child abuse can occur. It is imperative that effective procedures are in place to enable and encourage the expedient reporting of suspicions and instances of child abuse and to ensure that such reports are properly and effectively managed.

The issue of child protection is a matter which should be the responsibility of all members of Kiwanis and appropriate awareness and education programs must be maintained in order to ensure that members are at all times alert to the issue. This involves ensuring that all members are aware of the contents of this Policy and the related Code of Conduct.

KIWANIS is bound by the National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) (as amended). The privacy of our members and friends is a matter of the utmost importance to us. KIWANIS does not disclose personal information about its members except as set out below.

In this Policy the expression “personal information” is used to refer to information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained from the information or opinion. KIWANIS recognises members’ rights to control their personal information. KIWANIS does not collect personal information, except when it is knowingly provided by its members or with their consent. The only exception to this is that KIWANIS reserves the right to make reasonable enquiries regarding the character of a prospective member or regarding the character of a member when an issue arises as to the member’s fitness for membership.

Information Collection: 
KIWANIS collects members’ personal information to evaluate and determine membership applications and fitness for membership, to enable it to provide membership services and benefits, to maintain accurate membership records, to facilitate communication between members and clubs, to conduct research to enable the better utilization of KIWANIS resources and more effective delivery of our services to the community, and to facilitate the growth of KIWANIS in Australia.

Failure To Provide Information: 
The failure of an applicant for membership of KIWANIS to provide the information requested in the Proposal For Membership form or the failure to produce a National Police Certificate may result in their application for membership being rejected.

Information Use and Disclosure: 
KIWANIS uses members’ personal information (such as members’ names, addresses and contact details) only for the purposes set out above and will not disclose personal information for any other purpose unless it has obtained the consent of the member concerned (unless such disclosure is authorised or required by law).

KIWANIS will not use e-mail addresses, messages or other personal information submitted to the KIWANIS web site (with the domain name “”) (the “Web Site”) or provided to any of our member clubs for any purpose other than the purpose for which they were submitted or provided and will not disclose them to third parties without the consent of the individual concerned. Such information will be retained only for such reasonable time as is necessary to attend to the matters for which the information was submitted.

Members who are office bearers in their Club, Division or District or who are chairpersons of any special interest groups or committees may have personal information such as their names, addresses and contact information published in a KIWANIS District Directory and in other KIWANIS Divisional and Club publications. Such members who wish to avoid having their name or contact information published in these ways should make this known to their Club Secretary at the earliest opportunity, in which case KIWANIS will not publish the information. However, in no case shall the name, address or contact details of a member be published via the Internet, either on a Kiwanis web site or otherwise without the prior written consent of the member concerned.

It is a requirement of membership of KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL that members’ personal information (as contained in the Application For Membership form) is also provided to KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Head Office in Indianapolis, U.S.A.

The Kiwanis International ByLaws, Article XXII, Section 10(c) provides for the possible release of the Kiwanis International Directory or mailing list (including names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the members of Kiwanis clubs) for entering into third party agreements.

The International ByLaws further provide that “Any member belonging to a club of Kiwanis International may request their name, address, fax number, and telephone number be withheld from any list to be given or sold to any third party.”

In order to protect the privacy of members, KIWANIS will provide all new members with the option (at the time of submitting their Application for Membership) of requesting that their name and contact details not be released to a third party.

Data Security 
When it collects personal information, KIWANIS takes reasonable steps to keep that information secure and to protect that personal information from misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. KIWANIS takes reasonable steps to keep personal information accurate, complete and up-to-date.

Users of the Web Site should be aware that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Although KIWANIS strives to protect such information, KIWANIS does not warrant the security of any information transmitted to it over the Internet.

Access, Corrections and Further Information: 
If a member wishes to review or make corrections to his or her personal information, the member may do so at any time, by contacting their local Club Secretary except in circumstances where KIWANIS is permitted by law to withhold certain information. If a member requires information about the way KIWANIS manages their personal information, or has any queries, problems, or complaints the member should contact the KIWANIS Privacy Officer by email via the Web Site or contact the relevant Club President. PROCEDURES


(a) Code of Conduct for Members and Volunteers in relation to Projects or Activities Involving Children.
Members and volunteers must at all times:
– conduct themselves in a manner consistent with their position as a representative of Kiwanis International;
– conduct themselves in a manner which presents a positive role model to children,
– ensure that the rights of the child are protected and maintained;
– adhere strictly to the organizational policy relating to the safety of children as outlined in the Child Protection Policy ;
– treat all children and young people with respect and be alert to the manner in which they respond or react;
– raise any concern or problem relating to the safety of children with the relevant Club President, Divisional Lieutenant Governor or designated Child Safety Officer as soon as possible.
– ensure that any allegation or suspicion of abuse is recorded and acted upon;

– while attending any project, meeting, social event, or other gathering that is produced primarily by or for the benefit of children, refrain from the use of tobacco products in the presence of children and refrain from consumption of alcoholic beverages;

Members and volunteers must not: 
– engage in rough physical games including horseplay;
– engage in sexual activity of any kind with or in the presence of a child;
– hold, kiss, cuddle or touch children in an inappropriate or culturally insensitive way;
– make sexually suggestive comments to a child, even as a joke;
– allow themselves to be the only adult present when with a child or children engaged in a Kiwanis activity or project; (This does not apply in respect of a member’s own child or grandchild)
– do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves (such as going to the toilet or changing clothes) unless there is no alternative and then only in the presence of another adult of the opposite sex if at all possible; (This does not apply in respect of a member’s own child or grandchild)
– meet with or invite a child to meet with them outside the program activity unless this is specifically sanctioned by Kiwanis policy governing the specific activity or project and the child’s parent or guardian;

Children attending a Kiwanis event or activity should, ideally, be accompanied at all times by a parent or other person in loco parentis over the age of 18 years. While attending an event or activity that requires an overnight stay, children must be accompanied by a parent or other person in loco parentis over the age of 18 years.
The possession of prescription or nonprescription medications by children at a Kiwanis event shall be only with the permission of the parent/guardian.

(b) Prerequisite for Attending a Kiwanis Project or Event Involving Children 

A member of a Kiwanis club shall not be present at a Kiwanis project or event at which a child (other than the member’s own child or grandchild) might reasonably be expected to be present unless he or she is the holder of a current “working with children” card from a relevant State or Territory department.

In this context, the phrase “working with children card” means a card or clearance certificate issued pursuant to the Commission For Children and Young People and Child Guardian Act 2000 (Qld.), the Working With Children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004 (W.A.), the Working With Children Act 2005 (Vic.), or a corresponding federal, State or Territory enactment. The requirement shall not apply where, for reasons such as the member’s place of residence or status as a volunteer, no relevant department will process the application. In such a case, the member must hold a National Police Certificate no more than 2 years old.
Each club board shall take reasonable steps to ensure compliance with this requirement. The Club Secretary (or, in the case of the Club Secretary, the Club President) shall sight the required card or clearance (or such other evidence as is available from the relevant department indicating that the member holds the requisite card) and make an appropriate entry in the club register.
