Welcome to the Australia District Website

We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.

Message from our Governor

Happy New Kiwanis Year!

Well, now that October has arrived, it is a brand new Kiwanis year, and we look forward to 2024-25 with a fresh team, ready to hit the ground running. In fact, the majority of the District Board are already well known and experienced in their various positions – probably the main “new folk” to acknowledge are Lt Governors. We welcome aboard Naz Hameed, Tim Dawes and Louise Heywood in their respective Divisions who I’m confident will be very efficient in their roles.

The other “main man” to welcome back to our Board is Governor-Elect Steve Hughes who brings a real wealth of experience, having served as District Secretary amongst other roles, and he served with distinction as our eliMiNaTe Chair, while that project was operating. Steve will be off to Indianapolis early November for incoming Governor training. Myself last year and past Governor Bill van Dieman  17 years ago missed out on that (face-to-face) training due to budget constraints. However, after House of Delegates at this year’s Denver Convention voted in favour of a proposed fee increase (our dues to International), the budget has become available.

There are several Kiwanians who’ve already helped me out, including Immediate Past Governor Ian, who will be a hard act to follow, but Ian won’t be dropping by the sidelines. I’ll continuing to cross-reference with Ian on several points, plus we welcome him to the Board in a new role as Liaison Leadership Chair, covering HeartKids, Children First Foundation and 123ReadToMe – those important organisations including our Grants In Aid, where our District makes annual substantial financial commitments.

At this early stage, I’d like all Clubs to keep in mind the Kiwanis International Signature Project competition which has grown substantially in recent years. Our District has finished in the top 3 on a few occasions, and at July’s International Convention in Denver, KI announced that in future the top 3 finishers in both of the two Tiers, will receive cheques (in US dollars) for $2000 (1st), $1500 (2nd) and $1000 (3rd) instead of trophies, making these honours even more sought-after than usual.

Following the very successful Adelaide ASPAC Convention in March, the momentum is set to continue early next year when the 50th milestone ASPAC is held, in Taiwan. That should be even more momentous than usual, so I look forward to reporting early 2025 on how the Convention went.

Part of my plan over the next 12 months is to engage in as many Club visits as I can fit into the schedule. Fingers crossed I can live up to that commitment.

As a quick revision, my Strategic Goals for the coming Kiwanis year encompass the ‘faithful five’ – Membership & Engagement; Leadership & Education; Community Impact; Financial Viability; Branding & Image. There’ll be more on that, over the coming months.

As mentioned above, one of the big items to emerge from Denver Convention was the full-on House of Delegates where the needed percentage of votes was attained, to pass the much mooted Fee increase that KI has been seeking for more than a year, to bring Kiwanis more into line with fee structures imposed by others such as Rotary, Lions . . .. . Where there were three Tiers previously, Tier 2 has now been abolished, leaving most Districts in Tier 1 to pay the higher US$77 and the smaller nations a pro rata reduced fee.

 I thank the large attendance at our District’s virtual AGM in August, which was held electronically due to many of our resources having been taken up by organising ASPAC (thanks Peter Zander and team). However, in 2025 we can look forward to resumption of face-to-face Conventions, thanks to the host Club, Echuca-Moama, holding its first Kiwanis Convention. Do keep the last weekend in August free, travel to north Victoria and join in the fun.

 There’s lots more to enthuse over but I’ve probably “spoken” for longer than I’d intended. Meantime, keep reading Australian Kiwanian, our quarterly magazine which is available on-line.

Kind Kiwanis regards

David McNabb
Governor 2024-2025
