We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.
Message from our Governor
Hard to believe our 2025-25 term is already a third the way through, and while there’s been a fair amount happening, it’s the back half of the Kiwanis year that will see the action ramping upwards.
Kerry and I are gearing up for the approaching Division 2 Mini Convention in NSW where I’m looking forward to attending my second ‘Mini’. We land back in Adelaide for a couple of days before setting off for ASPAC in Taiwan. This is being touted as even “bigger” than the 2024 Convention in Adelaide, because Kaohsiung City is hosting the fiftieth anniversary ASPAC mid-March (second time ASPAC has been there), so there should be plenty to report on from that event. In fact, since the first ASPAC in Hong Kong, 1975, that event has been held eight times (not including 2025) in Taiwan.
At late notice, the usual one-day ‘Training’ mainly with Governors-Elect in mind, held prior to Convention has moved up a notch this year to a two-day Education Conference, and Governors are now being invited.
It’s good that Australia should be quite well represented in Taiwan, with four from NSW, two from SA and possibly a couple of others. While on ASPAC, it’s worth noting that their (very) regular zoom Board meetings lately have ballooned out to between five to six hours, partly due to discussion on an impending revamp of the model used to structure the overall governance. KI is being involved in this, and as it ‘needs to be done right’ there’s much crossing of T’s and dotting of I’s being undertaken. We thank Past Governor Tony for his input on this item.
On the home front, it’s only a couple of months before all Clubs need to look towards planning AGM schedules and their Boards for 2025-26. Hopefully there’ll be at least one new executive member to help each Club move forward, because it’s highly desirable we don’t see what has occurred in recent times where Clubs with strong membership lists are folding due to a lack of people to take on the “big three” positions.
With that in mind, it’s possibly worthwhile for more Kiwanians to consider taking on the Amplify course that KI is again running. Registering for this online course is open until early April, for US$50, culminating in a capstone experience at KI Convention in Pittsburgh [capstone integrates experiential learning to enable Amplify students to show a mastery of learning across the curriculum for further advancement]. Registration costs incurred by our Amplify candidates will be reimbursed upon completion of the course.
An already very busy Governor’s calendar has become busier while I slip (temporarily) back into the AK Editor’s chair. Stay tuned, as we aim to have the new Australian Kiwanian available by mid-Febuary.
On a brighter note, the prestigious annual competition run by KI for Signature Projects seems set for our District to hopefully continue punching above its weight. We’ve had four entries – three from SA and one from NSW, and voting will soon whittle that down to two, that will be submitted to KI, where our recent run of good results might hopefully continue. In both Tier 1 and 2, the new development as announced in Denver last year, sees winners in both Tiers receive instead of a trophy, cash prizes for successful Clubs – US$2000 first prize, US$1500 runnerup, US$1000 third prize. Fingers Xed.
On a regular basis, Tony, Steve and I have been meeting to fine-tune (important) items such as new Club growth along with membership retention. Our District’s numbers overall have been dipping (we are not alone on that score), whilst our average age continues to climb. In Denver last year at International Convention we were informed the membership average age worldwide is 61, but in Australia it’s somewhat higher.
Looking forward to a fruitful remainder of our Kiwanis year. And as always, do pencil in your calendar for the last weekend in August when our annual District Convention is set down for Echuca-Moama, Victoria. Tim and his crew are working on a great Kiwanis programme of events “as we speak”!
Do remember: KIWANIS – we put the FUN into Fundraising. . ..
Welcome to the Australia District Website
We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives.
Message from our Governor
Hard to believe our 2025-25 term is already a third the way through, and while there’s been a fair amount happening, it’s the back half of the Kiwanis year that will see the action ramping upwards.
Kerry and I are gearing up for the approaching Division 2 Mini Convention in NSW where I’m looking forward to attending my second ‘Mini’. We land back in Adelaide for a couple of days before setting off for ASPAC in Taiwan. This is being touted as even “bigger” than the 2024 Convention in Adelaide, because Kaohsiung City is hosting the fiftieth anniversary ASPAC mid-March (second time ASPAC has been there), so there should be plenty to report on from that event. In fact, since the first ASPAC in Hong Kong, 1975, that event has been held eight times (not including 2025) in Taiwan.
At late notice, the usual one-day ‘Training’ mainly with Governors-Elect in mind, held prior to Convention has moved up a notch this year to a two-day Education Conference, and Governors are now being invited.
It’s good that Australia should be quite well represented in Taiwan, with four from NSW, two from SA and possibly a couple of others. While on ASPAC, it’s worth noting that their (very) regular zoom Board meetings lately have ballooned out to between five to six hours, partly due to discussion on an impending revamp of the model used to structure the overall governance. KI is being involved in this, and as it ‘needs to be done right’ there’s much crossing of T’s and dotting of I’s being undertaken. We thank Past Governor Tony for his input on this item.
On the home front, it’s only a couple of months before all Clubs need to look towards planning AGM schedules and their Boards for 2025-26. Hopefully there’ll be at least one new executive member to help each Club move forward, because it’s highly desirable we don’t see what has occurred in recent times where Clubs with strong membership lists are folding due to a lack of people to take on the “big three” positions.
With that in mind, it’s possibly worthwhile for more Kiwanians to consider taking on the Amplify course that KI is again running. Registering for this online course is open until early April, for US$50, culminating in a capstone experience at KI Convention in Pittsburgh [capstone integrates experiential learning to enable Amplify students to show a mastery of learning across the curriculum for further advancement]. Registration costs incurred by our Amplify candidates will be reimbursed upon completion of the course.
An already very busy Governor’s calendar has become busier while I slip (temporarily) back into the AK Editor’s chair. Stay tuned, as we aim to have the new Australian Kiwanian available by mid-Febuary.
On a brighter note, the prestigious annual competition run by KI for Signature Projects seems set for our District to hopefully continue punching above its weight. We’ve had four entries – three from SA and one from NSW, and voting will soon whittle that down to two, that will be submitted to KI, where our recent run of good results might hopefully continue. In both Tier 1 and 2, the new development as announced in Denver last year, sees winners in both Tiers receive instead of a trophy, cash prizes for successful Clubs – US$2000 first prize, US$1500 runnerup, US$1000 third prize. Fingers Xed.
On a regular basis, Tony, Steve and I have been meeting to fine-tune (important) items such as new Club growth along with membership retention. Our District’s numbers overall have been dipping (we are not alone on that score), whilst our average age continues to climb. In Denver last year at International Convention we were informed the membership average age worldwide is 61, but in Australia it’s somewhat higher.
Looking forward to a fruitful remainder of our Kiwanis year. And as always, do pencil in your calendar for the last weekend in August when our annual District Convention is set down for Echuca-Moama, Victoria. Tim and his crew are working on a great Kiwanis programme of events “as we speak”!
Do remember: KIWANIS – we put the FUN into Fundraising. . ..
Best regards
David McNabb
Governor 2024-2025
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